Hope: A Second/Third Appeal

It’s a powerful thing.

Hell, Obama built an entire damn campaign on it.

I’m not sure when the last time I had any real hope for surgery was, but suffice to say that it is finally back. My health insurance company sent me the official denial of appeal letter on my birthday almost a month ago, and it felt like the icing on a very very bitter (birthday) cake.

At that same time, I investigated using a different surgeon, Dr. Buckley.  She is also local to Minneapolis and my consult went very well.  I had her submit a request for coverage to my insurance company.

Which they lost.  Well, at least member services had not a shit clue where it went.  So I had Buckley’s office send over another copy of all the paperwork.  Which also disappeared down the rabbit hole.

Just under a month later, I put my angry voice on and called my insurance company and found the rabbit hole.  The appeals department.

All of the information about me and chest reconstruction surgery had been compiled into one file, and they are going to look it all over AGAIN.  At this point, my file very explicitly says that I want to have surgery in early January, when I will have been living as male for a year yadda yadda yadda.  However, according to my friendly appeal representative, my file looks much more promising at this point.

And she expects that it will be looked at later this week and very possibly have a new decision on Friday.

Dare I hope to get good news? I’m pretty sure this is the first time in a long while that I felt like there was any positive momentum towards getting surgery… July maybe?  Best. Christmas present.  Ever.


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