More Changes from T

It’s like I woke up Monday morning, and my hips were gone.

I know it didn’t actually happen overnight, but within the last 1-2 weeks, the shape of my hips has drastically changed in how my clothes fit.  I wear dress shirts with the fitted cut in a 14 1/2 so that they actually fit my body (reminder: I’m a little guy), but I would have to accept that when the dress shirts hit my hips, they, well, hit my hips.  Instead of hanging down over my hips, they would bunch up on my hips.  Now I can tuck the shirt right into my pants.  To be honest, I wasn’t even sure I was wearing the right shirt today except I asked a friend to check the tag when she got to our office this morning.

All of my clothes fit a little differently now actually- my shorts that I bought in the beginning of June sit a little lower and my binders are digging into my ribcage around my upper chest. I’m more satisfied with how I look with binders look on, despite being more and more frustrated with having to wear them.

One of my close friends swears I grew an inch (that would put me all the way to 5 foot 2!!!!) but I’m not convinced.  When I go for a physical and blood work in late July I’ll ask them to measure me.

I am growing more body hair.  It’s all relative. I have blond hair so the hair on my arms is still very light, but the hair on my legs is darkening more and is actually visible on my thighs.  The hair on my stomach is slightly darker but still very sparse, though its started a thin trail up to my chest.  The backs of my hands are covered in lots of short blond hairs, I pet them sometimes to entertain myself.  I’ve had 3-5 dark hairs on my chin for the last month, and lots of very pale slow-growing stubble around my jaw. The sideburns are getting a little more dense, but I’m continuing to shave about once a week to keep from just looking femininely fuzzy.  Hair, facial and overall on my body is not something that I care much for.  It bothered me when the hair on the lower parts of my legs wasn’t really visible, but that stage passed about a month ago.  My hairline has receded a tiny bit in the corners of my forehead, but my hair isn’t thinning and based on family history I’m not worried about it.

Even with my pretty much complete lack of weight lifting lately, my muscle tone hasn’t decreased from where it was a month ago.  I’m satisfied with where I’m at with my arms and shoulders right now, so I’m not concerned with building more- but I don’t want to loose what I have. I have pudge, especially right in the middle. There’s not much I am willing to do that will get rid of the extra 10-20lbs in that area.  I am active, but I also love food.  No complaints.  Part of my feelings of being overweight are from viewing my chest as being extra fat instead of necessarily feminine.

Before starting testosterone:

This month:

My voice is continuing to drop. My singing voice has dropped a lot faster and farther than I expected- as in I am below a tenor.  My speaking voice still has a huge range from near my normal old speaking voice to way below if I try.  An ex pointed something out on the phone today- it was the first time she actually noticed that my voice has dropped because my voice naturally varies a lot during the day and since she heard me quite a bit first thing in the morning for over 3 years, she was used to a more gravely voice on me.  My voice varying a lot during the day would explain how I surprise myself or other people some mornings.

I certainly sweating more than I used to when I am active, and it smells a hell of a lot more than it used to.  Not a plus.

Despite the continued battle with acne and the increase in sweating, I’m still much more comfortable in my body as I recognize it as masculine in the changes I see happening.  I feel like a flower that is finally blooming after being surrounded by an entire garden for years.

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